*blah* My life as a customer service rep

The things that are on my mind constantly. Not to mention how i'm feeling and doing.

My Photo
Location: Sparkle City, USA, United States

About me... i'm a college grad. I'm goal oriented. I think life has dealt me a bad hand, but I'm working my magic on the river card. I'm a proud member of Zeta Phi Beta Spr 2K10! Pi Rho Chapter.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

$$ WORK $$ It only takes a 4th grade Education

Ya know people.. i think i like this whole idea of blogging its gives me a chance to vent about the people i deal with on a daily basis. yeah i know you see this and wonder ... WHERE DID SHE GO TO SCHOOL AT FOR HER GRAMMER SKILLS .... look here ... this is not professional i can write any way i please, i'm not trying to impress anyone. but my main complaint is ..... people's lack of reading knowledge. they ask the simpliest questions, but the only thing that they need to do is **drum roll please**


its not that hard. you ask me how can you get in touch with tech support... there's a big section on front page (and every other page for that matter) that says "HELP" all you have to do it click on it, and from the drop down menu you can find help.
and lets not forget those who can't hear ... when you call in it plainly states....

  • for sales press 1
  • for tech support press 2
  • for the operator press 0

there is no reason to press 1 or 0 knowing you want tech support. and then come on people, we give you the number you need to get tech support all the time ... its on your invoices, its on your statements, its everywhere. but if by chance you don't see it, or just can't remember, ask in a NICE VOICE, don't yell at me because your memory is failing you. don't get upset with me if i ask you to verify your account. its not that hard .. its the same as when you go the grocery store or to the mall ... you pay with your credit card, they ask to see picture id to prove its you, SAME EXACT THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, June 21, 2005

$WORK$ - Ooooohhhh my aching ears

Well people today is not a *sigh* day................. it's more of a rant day
so here is today's daily dose of what not to do when calling into a customer support line.

  • talk so quietly that the sales / customer service person has to ask you repeatedly to spell your name even though its only B-O-B J-O-N-E-S
  • yell at the top of your lungs, even though you know they have a phone pressed to their ear while struggling to hear you spell your name the first 30 times
  • speak softly so that the person has to be loud as they can, to make sure that you do not have a hearing aid
  • ask the SAME QUESTION OVER AND OVER AGAIN. listen people, just listen
  • don't get an attitude on the phone, 9 times out of 10, your attitude will just make the person not want to help you.
  • understand that we are all HUMAN BEINGS and we all have our problems

Now the I will grant that there are some people who just don't grasp the idea of customer service, but you have to give them credit where they are trying. so if any of the following are happening to you, please just forgive and forget....

  • your tech rep, has to tell you repeatedly the same thing over and over, because you are seriously not paying attention to them.
  • if they put you on hold repeatedly, don't assume that they are doing it on purpose, they just don't want you to know that they still have to ask for a little bit of help
  • When the rep says "Yes M'am" and "No Sir" don't assume that they are being sarcastic
  • think that just because it sounds like someone may be getting smart with you, they are not, they have just heard the same thing, for the last 30 mins, and are trying to get it resolved before the next 5 people call in.

In short.... we need you, and you need us. We have to work together to be a team. Without customers, there would be no need for us, and without us where would our customer's go when they had problems???

So next time you see/talk/hear/mention a customer service rep.... give them a break, you never know they could be running on a 15 hour shift, with only a Red Bull to keep them going. And to that tech rep who picks up the phone in their "Outside voice", not every person is deaf and has a bad phone connection like you.


*now everybody grab hands and sing*

Kumbaya my lawddddddddd


DNS Microsoft Word Certification Web Hosting Frontpage Merchant Payment Gateway

Monday, June 20, 2005


*sigh* <-- gotta stay regular --> **even bigger sigh**

today has been one of those days. Not so fast, not so slow. i got request today for no ads just music. I swear if i hear it one more time *smh*

i feel kinda blue today. even though i'm wearing orange (i love the tennessee orange it brings out the color of my eyes). I'm trying to decided what I want to blog about today, cause i have like a lot of things running through my mind.

Okay, after a brief 20 min period of looking at the screen i know now what to say. ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT!!!

plain and simple folks, if you don't want other people to screw you over, put it all in your name. its not that hard. I mean if you know that you may possibly fire someone who is working on your site and you do not want them to have control of your site, you need to make sure that it is in your name. TOOOOOOOO many times I hear from my customers.... well its my site, I pay for it, and i want it in my name, but the person who is designing it is messing with me, and i want it back................................... well the news for you is that we cannot take them off the account without their signature, yours, a notorized piece of paper that has company letterhead. Amazing how many people get messed over by those who "claim to be in the good of the company." Look people, who ever does your site, make sure you get a copy of it. So that way, if they never give you any passwords to anything, as long as you have a copy, you can make your own account and have all of your information.

well almost time for practice..... *sigh* geez i don't wanna go

Friday, June 17, 2005

The Price of Rice in China

ya'll i swear i sooooooooooooo fuggin hate my job!!!! i wanna quit that bytch.. but there's no way in hell i'll make enough to last me til the first of next month if i do. its like damn i just wanna tell them fukka's to kiss my black gay ass and bounce on some nuts. *smh*

had this guy call in today claiming to be the emperor of china.... *smh* i know right same thing i was thinking after he said it. i had to put the phone on mute so i could laugh my ass off............... then he demanded to speak to my supervisor, because there was a problem with his website.... i'll tell you what the problem is... HIS ASS AIN'T PAY HIS DAMN BILL!!!! i mean if you the damn "emeperor of china" why the fuk can't you afford a friggin bill of $7.95 each month... why ya credit card gotta get declined????? what the deal??? i mean he said china hasn't recognized his family history yet, that's why his ass is chillin in hawaii right now.... shyt fuk china... too crowded... i'd rule from right in hawaii... half nekkid women... what more i need????

*sigh** i swear.. sometimes i wonder what people be thinking when they get a computer.... hmm i think i'll look up computer in the phone book and screw everyone's life the fuk up

The price of rice in China

I got the most outrageous call today. A guy calls and says that he is the Emperor of China. See the problem i have with this, is that i don't think that China has an emperor. Well either way.... EVERYBODY got a good laugh at his expense. But the moral to the story is... check your billing information make sure that everything is the way it is supposed to be. Don't wait until you get cut down and then call in with some excuse that "the feds are watching" so you can't give the information on the phone... i mean really.. if they are watching, and you are the emperor... why can't you afford your plan, i pay more in gas to get to work, then the cheapest thing here!!! I think my lunch today at Fazoli's (sp) cost more than his actual plan.

But again the moral to the story... check the facts make sure they are real, don't fall for just anything. Or else you wil end up like my other buddy... paid his money to some off the wall company thinking they were us................................. N - O - T *smh* do people not check creditials anymore??? Its like me going out on the street and handing my credit card to some average joe saying here, take this card, it has no limit go and only buy these 5 items. Now i know the card doesn't belong to me, but i give it out anyway. Yeah a lot of sense. Would you shop at a place that doesn't check the your ID against the Credit Card that you just handed them? I mean even when i worked at LFL I always checked ID, two or three pieces just to be sure....

watch out world... the evil people are here, and they are getting closer

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Making Money $$$$$

Another day, another dollar.

When I get home tonight, I'm going to seriously look into starting up my own web design company. I see all these customer's I deal with on a daily basis saying how they are making thousands of dollars and more thousands on top of that. I guess what i'll have to look for a is a good server provider that offers me the chance to host multiple domain names. Then i'm going to have to find some way to get my customers. I have to get a marketing concept. i gotta seriously make some money. I can't take this check to check living, I inquired about a possible raise some time ago, but i guess it's never going to happen *sigh* . I think the web design for other sites will help me out, because i know a lot of people who need a web site, be it personal, or business wise, and I know that i could take some basic tools and work with a few free things. *thinking* hmmmm there's a lot to comtemplate on. I have to create my site name.... maybe I'll go with the name P-Productions...I think it will work. Then I have to find my customer base and register their domains, as well as mine. Then i have to find a company that will let me resell their products, cause lawd knows that i don't have the skills quite yet to create programs, much less anything of that sort. So i gotta find a place to let me host a website, a shopping cart, and other items. Another long night of searching .... *sigh*

Ecommerce Merchant Account Domain Name Renewal Web Hosting from $7.95 Information Technology Training

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Wanting that customization

*sigh* i tell ya, my days just keep getting longer and longer and longer.

I'm sitting here staring at my screen wondering why isn't it 5:30 yet. Well the answer to that, is because i have sooooo much whttp://benickinc.com/ork to do. I have been working on two cases for most of the day, one that should have been completed last week friday when i first brought it up. buttttttttttttttt that's how things go. anyhow...

i've worked with numerous customers over the last few months and one of the things that they have spoken to me is about is web site design. now myself, i dabble a little in web design, after all i am the web contact for my football team. I basically used any and every available tool I could find online (that was free - since i don't have a money tree growing in my back yard) to make it work. the thing that gave me the most problems was my flash intro. Now i know a lot of people hate flash intro's but gawd I love it. i mean what better way to get your customer's attention??? throw something fancy across the screen and watch their eyes boggle. its a amazing the way that the world has transformed in the last 10 yrs. i've grown from looking at the internet on a old computer in my father's spare closet to owning a computer in my home right smack in my living room. i remember glancing over my father's shoulder wondering how it was that he was talking to people who lived in different countries, and not being on the phone, looking at the sites, amazed at how the pictures would slowly roll onto the screen, to sitting at my desk, downloading programs at high speeds, and getting frustrated if it does not show in 4.5 seconds, not to mention, if i can't listen to the music in the background, then i feel like i should throw my computer out the window (of course I won't because i can't afford a new one, although i could use some touch up parts if anyone wants to donate, please do so)

but in all my worldly thinking, its got me to thinking... if i really wanted to create my own website, what exactly would i need to know to do it, and not to mention maintain it. Would it actually come out the way I want it... more than likely not.. but if i paid someone to do it, then it would work more than i needed. So I'm going to finish my research online to find a site that will customize the site i want to fit my needs and me.

Well back to the drawing board...........

ASP Hosting CompTIA A+ Merchant Commerce Domain Registration

Monday, June 13, 2005

Are you Safe???

Wow... what a weekend I tell you. I had to rush from work to Charleston, b/c I had found out early Friday morning that my nephew was in the hospital. As I'm driving down the interstate I kept thinking to myself, "Is he okay?" "What is wrong with him? Is there anything I can do?"

Well I got there and it was a minor surgery, but nonetheless it was surgery, and he was family. Anyhow I took him and his mother home from the hospital, and then put my nephew to bed. I hadn't seen him in almost 4 yrs, so much to my surprise the boy had GROWN. He's almost as tall as me, I swear that boy is growing faster than the hair on my legs.

To make a long story short, I talked to his mother, who informed me that she was thinking about going into the service. So I asked who was going to make sure that her son was safe, and then she dropped the bomb on me, she wants me to take care of him, as her mother is not able to care for him as I would. (She's kinda sick ya know) So it got me to thinking, my football team has certain items on the site that only my teammates need to see. So when I got home, I set up some of the Free Password Protected Directories. Which basically means that the only people who can see these files are those who need to. I'm protected, our documents are protected, and my nephew will be protected.

*sigh* just one last thing for me to worry about ... thank goodness he's okay.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Today's the Big Day

Well today was the big release day for the new Cape Fear Thunder site. It took me about a month or so to get it working, but its up and running now. So far so good. I hope that all enjoy the site. Check it out, leave us a note in the guest book, shyt send me an email tellin me what you liked about it, what you hated, yadda yadda

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Losing my mind... and my name

Hey all!! I have been gone for a while, but i'm back again. I recently have just been losing my mind at work this week. Its been hectic, cause it seems I always have 50 million things going on at once. I just want to take a break, go outside and breath. I find it amazing how many of the working class does not just go crazy one day. I'm holding in my day hoping it will get better soon. Any way next to losing my mind, I thought I had almost lost my football teams's domain name the other day. I tried to log on to it, and was not able to see the site!!! I got a very rude awakening phone call from my coach at 4 am, and you can best believe your bottom dollar he was not a happy camper. Of course I was wondering to myself, why is this fool up at 4 am looking at the website.. then i thought , well he is a playboy sooooooooooo you know. anyhow i got to work the next day and logged into our account and learned that it was not the domain name that was gone, it was just the computer he was on. (cause we all know i was not about to get up out of my bed at 4 am to go to my desktop to check it out - sure i could have used my laptop, but it was 4 am, getting on the net was the last thing on my mind, i was only thinking about sleeping)

I know you are wondering what the moral to this story is... well its make sure you constantly keep your domain name registrant information up to date. Day after day, i get calls from numerous customers who complain that "they never got the notice" their domain name was about to expire. well i know for a fact that there are expiration notices sent out at 90, 60, 30, 15, and several days inbetween. so its up to you to keep that information up to date. Its not my job to call the number, or send an email to make sure that your stuff is on point. Its your own. beware people, there are individuals out there who are lurking in the winds to buy your domain and then sell it back to you for some seriously crazy fees. I mean i'd rather pay $7.99 to renew it each year, than to have to change everything on my website, and then try to contact everyone i know and tell them that my domain name has changed, not to mention the millions of others who have seen the site, and bookmarked it.

*sigh* another day almost over

Private Label Domain Registration Ecommerce Hosting MS Access Real-time Credit Card Processing Account

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

*sigh* domain names

What to tell you eventful readers today. I've had such a busy busy day today. I was browsing the web for some places to register my new domain names. I couldn't think of a place that was going to give me such a great rate. Sure there are places out there that say they will give you a domain name registration for $5.95, but who gives you domain name registration and 1 year of hosting for under $30.00!!!!!! Well this one site I came across was able to offer me all of that, and then some. It was a Linux based account, with 100 MB of space and 20 GB of data transfer. I mean WOWSER!!! I can't believe the deal I got on that. Well let me give you the site address where I found this (http://www.aitdomains.com) you can't miss the ad for it, it was right there in front of my face. It was amazing I tell you. Just amazing, and then they have this site on there where I can become a miniature version of their site. So now I'm also making money on my site as well as hosting. So you know what that means ......... my friends, and those who want their own domain name are paying for my hosting. So with the prices I have set for my domain name registrations, I'm going to more than make up for my hosting price, within my first month. Wow I tell ya.

Maybe tomorrow I'll put a picture up when I figure out how to do it. *smile*

Virtual Domain Registrar Credit Card Processing Award-winning Ecommerce Hosting SAIR Linux